Smart Pocket

Smart Pocket × Bitget Collaboration Begins! Earn 11,000 Points in 2 Simple Steps 🎉


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Hello everyone!

The collaboration between the rapidly growing cryptocurrency exchange Bitget and Smart Pocket has begun! This is your chance to earn up to 11,000 SP points with simple steps.

What is Bitget?

Source: Bitget

Bitget is a major cryptocurrency exchange founded in Singapore in 2018. It now operates in over 100 countries and has more than 40 million users, making it one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world.

Key Features of Bitget

  • Offers over 800 cryptocurrency pairs
  • Futures trading with up to 125x leverage
  • Exclusive token “BGB” provides trading fee discounts and other benefits
  • Supports Web3 services via Bitget Wallet

Collaboration Details

Complete the following two tasks to earn valuable SP points:

  • Follow Bitget’s official X account (@bitgetglobal) → Earn 1,000 SP points
  • Enter your Bitget UID → Earn 10,000 SP points

A total of 11,000 SP points can be earned! Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

How to Complete Tasks

[How to Follow Bitget’s Official X Account]

1. Open the Smart Pocket app
2. Go to the ‘Earn’ tab
3. Tap the ‘Exchange’ tab
4. Tap ‘Start’ on Bitget
5. Tap ‘Start’ on ‘X Follow’
6. Follow Bitget’s official X account (@bitgetglobal)
7. Return to the Smart Pocket app
8. Tap ‘Claim’ to complete

[How to Enter Your Bitget UID]

(Important) The Bitget user ID you register can only be used once. Choose wisely which Smart Pocket account to use before completing the task.

1. Tap ‘Start’ on ‘Start with Bitget’
2. Create a new account
3. After logging into Bitget, tap the top-left icon on the home tab
4. Copy your UID
5. Return to the Smart Pocket app
6. Paste the copied UID into the ‘Bitget User ID’ field
7. Tap ‘Verify’
8. Tap ‘Claim’ to complete

Important Notes

  • Bitget’s identity verification (KYC) is limited to one account per person
  • The Bitget UID used for Smart Pocket tasks cannot be used with other accounts


The Bitget × Smart Pocket collaboration is an incredible opportunity for Web3 users! By completing just two simple tasks, you can earn up to 11,000 SP points. Bitget, one of the largest crypto exchanges, offers trading for over 840 cryptocurrencies and a variety of robust services. Take this chance to create a Bitget account and collect Smart Pocket points!

Don’t Miss Smart Pocket’s Latest Updates!

Smart Pocket regularly hosts exciting tasks and events in addition to this Bitget collaboration. Follow their official social media channels to stay updated!

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Create a Bitget account today and enjoy the Smart Pocket collaboration!

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