Smart Pocket✖️Bitget Japan AMA summary-CONFDENTIAL⁉️-

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In this issue of Smapoke Magazine, we introduce the contents of the AMA for “Smart Pocket✖️Bitget Japan” held on Thursday, March 7, 2024!
The grand vision of Yuda-san, who leads “Smart Pocket” and “JAPAN DAO,” and mako-san, who is in charge of PR and marketing for “Bitget Japan,” was revealed during their discussion!
The many innovative and fascinating ideas packed into “Smart Pocket“. The interview is filled with innovative and fascinating ideas for “Smart Pocket,” a near-future vision from a multifaceted and global perspective, covering art, culture, education, and the economy!
A link to Bitget Japan’s archived distribution is attached at the beginning of the article, and the AMA transcripts can be viewed by category from the table of contents.
The AMA summary can also be viewed in “IV. Summary”. If you would like to grasp the contents in a nutshell, please use this section.
The key points that you should definitely keep in mind are summarized in “⭕️ Points of Interest” with our Solution Team’s unique viewpoints and considerations. This is also available from the table of contents, so please take advantage of it!
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I. YouTube archive (by Bitget JP)
Ⅱ. Transcription(文字起こし)

It is now 7:00 p.m. and I would like to start today’s AMA. So, today’s guest is Yuda-san from SmartPocket. Please give him my best regards.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I’m Yuda.
〇Introduction of Bitget and mako

Nice to meet you. I am looking forward to working with you today. I am sure that some of you, such as SmartPocket fans, are still unfamiliar with Bitget, so I will give a brief explanation about Bitget first.
Bitget was established in 2018 and is mainly a futures exchange for virtual currencies and crypto assets, although we also have a lot of physical products. The AMA is hosted by Bitget Japan, which is Bitget’s official account in Japanese, and they are currently holding a trading competition called the Gold Cup, not KCGI, with a prize pool of up to $100,000, or about 15 million dollars. This will end on March 18, but you can participate anytime until then, so please take a look at the official Bitget Japan account and check out the Gold Cup. If you haven’t registered with Bitget yet, today is the start of the Sakura Campaign, a campaign for newcomers that offers a bonus worth about 3,000 yen that can be used for trading without making a deposit or making a trade. If you are a new member of Bitget, please take advantage of this campaign.
I’m mako, Bitget’s PR and marketing manager, and I will be presenting today’s AMA. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
First of all, could you introduce yourself, Yuda-san?
〇Introduction of JAPANDAO and Yuda

Yes, thank you.
Today I would like to explain about SmartPocket.
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Yuda, and I am the founder of the Japan NFT Museum, JAPANDAO, and SmartPocket.
The Japan NFT Museum of Fine Arts operates a museum that exhibits the works of Japanese creators in the Metaverse.
So far, we have published the works of up to 1,000 creators on the Metaverse, and we are operating an art museum that invites people from all over the world to come and see the works of Japanese creators.
In addition, JAPANDAO has been publishing a weekly manga series, mainly featuring official characters created using NFT. We have also recently released these animations and distributed their theme songs through music distribution services such as Apple music and spotify. In addition, DAO members are soliciting and adopting names for the characters, and NFT is developing character IP that encourages participation.
Currently, JAPANDAO commercials are broadcast once an hour every day on large screens in Shibuya, Roppongi, Ikebukuro, and Shinjuku in Tokyo.
The theme song for the commercial was composed by Nomakun, a member of the JAPANDAO community, and is the background music for the commercial. You can find it at 109 in Shibuya and other places.
We also have a character named KAGURA, which is the character of JAPANDAO, and we have already collaborated with Bitget and held giveaway events in the past.
As a founder of SmartPocke, I am in charge of project management, partnership acquisition, community building, and app development, as well as overall project development.
Once again, thank you for your time today.
2.AMA Main Contents
〇Overview of Smart Pocket

If you are interested in this article, I recommend this one: ⬇️

Yes, thank you. Thank you very much.
From what I have heard, I have the impression that you are involved in multiple activities besides SmartPocket.
Yes, thank you very much, SmartPocket is an application that allows users to earn “universal points” called SP points.
The image we have in mind is that, for example, bitcoin is a universal currency that now allows money to be exchanged across national borders, but what we are creating now is a point version of bitcoin in the form of universal points. If Bitcoin is the theme of a universal currency, then SmartPocket is the points version of it.
In Japan, for example, there are many types of points, such as Ponta and T-points, that are common services within Japan. Currently, people in more than 150 countries around the world have already accumulated points.
Points can be earned by, for example, reading our manga series, watching our anime, spreading the word, reposting, and liking.
In the future, NFTs and tokens will be created through SmartPocket, and the points earned can be used to acquire digital items and tokens for various projects.
Smartphones have taken the world by storm, and SmartPocket will be the next step in that direction.
The reason why we started this is because virtual currencies have not been fully spread, for example, bitcoin and NFTs, but you have to start by purchasing them first, and the hurdle at the entrance is high. It is an everyday thing for everyone, just as you earn points by shopping at supermarkets, etc. We envision that people will first join WEB3 from the point of poi activity, and then they can use their points to earn tokens or NFTs. Our theme is to reduce the hurdles in participating in blockchain and WEB3 by adopting a point system, and also to spread the blockchain to the whole world. Thank you very much.
Yes, thank you very much. So basically, users can take actions to support the project, such as spreading the project on SNS or reading manga related to the project, and in return, they can get digital items related to the project. Will tokens be included in that?
〇Everyone can safely participate in WEB3

Yes, not only are we planning to issue tokens from SmartPocket itself, but we have already decided on the next tokens, which will also lead to the acquisition of those tokens. We are currently collecting points by supporting the content of SmartPocket and JAPANDAO, but in the future we plan to introduce more and more content from the more than 700 Japanese NFT collections and projects that are featured on the SmartPocket app and collaborating with them. We are planning to introduce more and more content from over 700 Japanese NFT collections and their projects.
Yes, I see. As you mentioned earlier, it is a hurdle for an individual who wants to buy bitcoin. Opening an account, depositing money from a bank, complicated procedures at an exchange, etc. It is like that for first-timers, isn’t it?
That’s right. In contrast, with points, it is easy to start accumulating them, and when you get tokens after accumulating points, you can finally start looking into wallets such as MetaMask. I think you might want to look into it. Also, instead of starting from a place where you suddenly take a risk. For example, when you have a situation where a friend is interested in virtual currency, and you are told to buy bitcoins first, I feel that many people are put off by the amount of money involved, in addition to the lack of understanding. I think it has become even more difficult to buy one coin recently, but I think that by lowering the hurdle like this, people who couldn’t participate before will be able to participate in this world.
Yes, that’s right. It is true that if a friend asks you to invest with no knowledge at all, you can’t deny the sense of anxiety and resistance.
Yes, that’s right. I think it’s a bit of a hurdle or resistance. That is why I think it is important to start with something that can be done for free, and if you receive tokens, etc., and their value or price increases, it will lead to action such as becoming more knowledgeable about blockchain or doing some research. Considering what is needed in the industry right now, it is important to further improve the blockchain technology, and there are already many excellent projects that focus on this. We want to focus on making it easier and simpler for everyone to participate.
Yes, that’s right. If you don’t think of it as an investment, but rather as a way to make money, you can start by just downloading an app or registering on a website, and when you actually receive tokens, you can feel that you are making money, even if only a little. It also motivates me to learn about wallets, exchanges, etc.
Yes, that’s right.
It’s hard to learn something without a chance, isn’t it?
Yes, that’s right. That’s why we want to start with a place where people can say, “You can have it. We want to make SmartPocket a representative platform, so at first our main focus will be on official SmartPocket contents and JAPANDAO-related content, but in the future we will collaborate with various projects in Japan as well as individual creators to deliver their works to the world at once. SmartPocket will be able to help in this area.
Yes, I see. On the other hand, from the project side, there is an advantage to having SmartPocket users spread the word about your campaigns and other activities by partnering with SmartPocket, isn’t there?
〇Multilingual user support

That’s right. We also have a system in place to give points to those who repost using the task function of the SmartPocket application, so we are hoping to create a synergistic effect by having them take advantage of that as well. In addition, many projects in Japan are mainly localized, and it is quite a hurdle to deliver them to overseas markets. SmartPocket, on the other hand, has users from about 150 countries so far, and the Discord and other channels are available in about 17 languages, so I think it will be easier for us to make a dash for global expansion.
When you localize something from Japan, you are forced to translate something written in Japanese into English.
I think this is a very common situation in Japanese projects, where the content is mechanical and difficult to convey to the recipient. By asking SmartPocket to support us in 17 languages, we can get more attention.
Whenever we receive any questions, we have a system in place where members of our DAO’s overseas supporter community can answer in Chinese or Tagalog, for example, with no problem at all.
That’s right. Especially when a Japanese project tries to expand overseas, people tend to think that there is no problem if they communicate in English, but in reality, only about 20% of the world’s population uses English as their native language. Most people actually feel that their respective native languages are better, although they can’t read English. It creates a gap between foreign countries and localization.
That’s right. I think that is still a big gap, and I would like to solve it while utilizing our application as well. We also have a community, so we can answer questions immediately when they come in, and we have people from various languages participating. I think that if we only send out information, it becomes a one-way street, so I think that we can consistently handle the customer support function, such as responding to questions.
Yes, I see.
You are operating in 150 countries around the world, and the number of languages spoken by the community is about 17, right?
Yes, that’s about right now, and we are constantly receiving requests from people overseas that this language is available, or that there are not enough channels for this language. Each time we receive such requests, we gradually increase the number of channels.
At first, we had only three languages (English, Japanese, and Chinese), but as more and more people from overseas joined us, they told us that they would be in charge of this channel if we created it, and from there, the number of channels has been increasing.
Yes, yes. There were not 17 languages from the beginning, were there?
That’s right. We didn’t have them at all at first, but the number gradually increased.
It seems like the number of languages increased naturally as people in the community volunteered to help out.
That’s right. That’s how it spread to other countries. You decide who is in charge, and so on.
With 17 languages in 150 countries, I think we have already covered almost 70% of the world’s major languages. That’s my impression.
That’s right. We are able to handle most of them at the moment.
〇The only one and only poi activity app! The one and only PoiKatsu App!

I see. Thank you very much.
By the way, what is poikatsu? For example, I often use it for my daily shopping such as Matsukiyo and Rakuten. I have never thought about it, but there is certainly no Poikatsu that can be used all over the world, only on Amazon.
Yes, I think there are very few, and even Amazon has some restrictions, such as the fact that points can only be used on Amazon, We would like to expand the use of SmartPocket points by exchanging them for tokens, which can be used on exchanges all over the world.
Okay, so the points you get from SmartPocket are tokens, or are they in a different format? Or is it in a different format?
Both. It’s like you can accumulate points first. It will be officially released on IOS and Google play in a little while, so there will be a ranking of points and various other functions. So, there will be a ranking of points and other various functions.
I see, so with IOS, you can do things like test flights.
So you are still in the early stage of using only web apps and test apps at the test flight stage, but you have already collected 17 languages?
That’s right. At the moment, we are still in the pre-registration stage, but even so, we have a lot of people coming to the market.
〇Go to the bull market!

When was this originally announced?
SmartPocket itself was first released on September 19, 2023.
So it has been less than a year.
At that time, the web application itself had not yet been released, and it was just like a video teaser announcement. So it hasn’t been that long.
I see. So it’s a fairly new app that will be released in the near future.
Yes, it is. It is still at the stage where it is like a toy from an ideal point of view, but we plan to implement more various functions after the official application is released.
I see. Thank you very much. It’s perfect in terms of time. It’s already going to be a bull market from here, so many people will be entering the crypto market, you know.
The timing is miraculously good for the market, and I think it will be the right time for everyone to finally get excited again. I’m working a little bit harder to make it like a festival event.
Thank you very much. By the way, as I was listening to you, I was wondering if there is any competition in this service. I saw a service a while ago where you could earn about 0.00000 bitcoins, or 10 or 50 Japanese yen, by watching an advertisement on a smartphone app. For example, if you subscribe to some subscriptions or insurance through the app, or do something that costs a little bit of money, you can get an additional 1,000 yen. Are there any similar projects in the smartphone or internet field?
It is a little bit different, but in terms of points, for example, JICA. There are similarities in the way points can be earned if you have a certain type of energy, but I think that is about it. There are some short-term projects that use point programs, and there are many that only use them before the token launch, but I don’t think I have yet seen a project that uses a universal point program as its main theme.
If there were other competitors, what would be the point of differentiation, such as multilingual support?
〇Easy to register!

Yes, that’s right. For example, even if you don’t have a wallet, you can log in to the application and start accumulating points if you have a Google account.
I think the fact that people can accumulate points without having to use Meta Mask at the first contact point will increase the number of people who participate in the project.
Yes, I think so. I don’t know, I think it’s OK for crypto players to authenticate with wallets such as Metamask, but on the other hand, if I had never done anything before and suddenly asked to connect to Metamask, it would break my heart.
That’s right. When you are about to do something, only meta-mask appears as a login option, and you think, “What the heck is this? And that’s where I stumble.
Many people around me who are new to this world feel that it is a bit difficult to start with meta-masks, so if there is a Google option next to meta-masks, I think there are many people who use Google on a daily basis, so I think this is a good way to broaden the window. I think this is a good point.
Yes, I think so. Even if by any chance they don’t lose heart with that and say, okay, let’s make a meta mask, they will scare you away from that, like please prepare a piece of paper, write a seed phrase, and don’t ever show it around.
That’s right. So, I think that’s when people quit or get the impression that it’s too difficult. I think it is important to show how easy it is.
That’s why we have decided to call it a “pocket” rather than a wallet, so that anyone can easily get used to it. A pocket is always attached to a pair of pants, so it seems a little more familiar.
Yes, that’s right. I think it’s better to start with something really familiar, so that you don’t get discouraged or fail because it’s too difficult. If you start with a wallet authentication, even if 100 people are interested, only about 10 of them will make it to the end.
That’s right. If you introduce SmartPocket to your friends, if they try it out on Google first, I think the participation rate will increase, and as they accumulate points, they will want to support the project. I think that the more points they accumulate, the more they will want to support the project, and they will become more and more attached to the project, and they will lose their resistance to this industry.
If I had accumulated a lot of points, and when the time came to convert them into tokens and use them in various ways, I would probably feel a bit discouraged by the work involved, but I would still be able to use SmartPocket for several thousand yen worth of value.
That’s right. It’s like I can’t give up.
And the situation where you are always throwing away something that you have received, instead of getting it when you do something, is quite psychologically moving, isn’t it?
It’s like a negative rather than a positive thing. If there is something of value there, I think the amount of effort will change considerably.
Yes, yes, I see. Thank you very much. You are right. In the beginning, I was also quite discouraged. And at that time, there weren’t so many communities yet, and there weren’t so many places where you could ask. I think we are going to be the next Bloomarket, or the next one, or maybe I am already in it. I believe that even more people will enter the market in the future, and as a business owner doing web3, I would still like to see as many people as possible enter the market.
That’s right. I think there are quite a few people in this industry who have been missing out due to various barriers, even if they were interested, so I would like to pick up everyone without leaving them all behind, and make it possible for everyone to participate in the world before the bull market is completely gone. I would like to implement it.
Yes, that’s right. Compared to the previous bull market, the psychological hurdle to investment itself is probably less of a hurdle, or rather, it’s becoming more of a sense that it would be bad if people didn’t do it.
Yes, the situation is becoming that way.
Yes, it is. Isn’t the Japanese yen going down a lot?
Yes, it has fallen so much that it is finally having an impact on the world, and I hope that we can improve the situation, since it seems that losses are being incurred while BTC is going so far.
Yes, I hope that something will reach the people who are watching NISA and the Nikkei 225.
〇From the age of 5⁈Nurturing the next generation, WEB3 education

That’s right. I would like to make this industry known as much as possible. In addition to how easy it is to get started, I think that using characters and cartoons, for example, will make it easier for people to learn about blockchain, even if reading textbooks is difficult. I would like to make the blockchain as popular as possible among the younger generation by utilizing our cartoons and animations. If we are going to operate applications and tokens over the long term, we would like to make sure that children who will grow up in the future are aware of them, and when they become adults, we would like to reach as many people as possible so that they can play the main role as mainstream applications, tokens, and points of sale. This is the main focus of the project. We believe that this is the most important demographic, and Facebook, for example, first became popular among university students. Facebook, for example, first became popular among university students, and when university graduates became adults, it became the main application and took the world by storm. For example, it is hard to imagine a 5 year old holding bitcoins, but I can imagine a 5 year old reading a comic book or reposting it and getting points. I think that perhaps we can create a token or point that has more holders than bitcoin and more recognition than bitcoin. If that were to happen, I think we could accomplish something as big as “Satoshi”.
Yes, I agree. These days, 5 year olds usually have a situation like Youtube on their ipads.
Even from a young age, they are on the cutting edge. They seem to be able to use new things immediately, such as using voice to do searches, which would have been unthinkable in our time. In addition, the number of young blockchain engineers is increasing, and more and more talented people are coming out, so I think one of the important themes is how much we can involve the younger generation.
So, do JAPANDAO’s manga and other contents include a lot of content that deals with themes such as what is blockchain and what is WEB3?
Yes, there are. For example, the character “AMATO,” which is also my iconic character, includes a story about the Metaverse, and the story is about the progress of a trainee who is currently working hard to defeat a monster in the Metaverse. For example, the character of “Kagura” is a girl, and her theme is Japanese culture, such as kimonos and Japanese traditional clothes, and she delivers Japanese events, such as cherry blossoms and bean throwing. For example, there are 7 different colored monsters in the “NIJI” manga series, and there are 7 different monsters in the Pokemon series. I hope we can mix in various things such as WEB3 in the future. I hope that children will learn about the Metaverse, blockchain, and traditional Japanese culture without knowing it, even though they don’t intend to study it.
That’s right. It’s never too late to do something, but it’s better to do it early than late.
That’s right. For example, just by reading manga when you are 5 years old and being exposed to the language or knowing the word “blockchain”, I think you will be less resistant to this industry or understand it more quickly in the future.
Yes, so in principle, the content should be understandable for children of 5 years old or so, and you are looking 20 to 30 years ahead to when they become adults?
Yes, that’s right. I still like the characters I watched as a child, and I still have figurines of the characters I watched as a child on display. I would like to continue to weave the generations together in this way.
Yes, I still cry when I watch Doraemon.
That’s right. After all, I have been watching Doraemon for a long time, so I think it is easier for me to get into the story.
Yes, on the contrary, now that I’m an adult, I’m a little bit…
I wonder.
It’s even easier to understand.
Yes, like a mother’s love.
I think that the ability to enjoy Pokemon with parents and children will become stronger in the future, so I think that content that can be enjoyed by parents and children will become stronger. I believe that content that can be enjoyed by both parents and children, such as Pokémon, will become stronger in the future. I think this will lead to the creation of contents that can be enjoyed by parents and children.
New Year’s gift tokens are very hot.
That’s right. We are also aiming to give children a chance to interact with it by giving them points or tokens.
That’s right. It would be interesting if parents and children could file tax returns together.
I think it would be like learning a lot more than at school.
That’s good. Like a 10 year old who knows how to file a tax return.
That’s right. I think it’s a kind of knowledge that never existed before, so I think it’s a good thing that we can access it earlier thanks to the blockchain.
〇I got a very rare “Pockemy NFT”!
If you are interested in this article, I recommend this one: ⬇️

As you mentioned earlier, SmartPocket is currently being launched as a web app and a test app for smartphones, so I think it is a project that is just in its infancy. Do you have any immediate plans for the future roadmap?
Yes, we are currently working on “Pockemy”. We are currently announcing an official SmartPocket character called “Pockemy,” and have recently released an animation. We have also announced an event where you can earn official NFTs as the first point content, which will lead to Smart Pocket tokens by earning and staking the NFTs.
So you can get FTs by providing liquidity of NFTs?
Yes, that’s right. We are also planning to implement a mechanism to increase liquidity by giving points to both sellers and buyers when buying and selling NFTs, or something like Rakuten points.
Yes, yes. By the way, is this Pockemy the yellow star on the right side of the background of the SmartPocket X official account?
Yes, that’s right. There are some other characters like yellow and pink,
Is this all Pockemy?
Pockemy and his friends. Each of them has a different concept, such as “tsuntsun” and “aniki”.
Some of them look like big brothers.
Yes, they are. I think it is the easiest to understand at a glance. So there are various characters of Pockemy and his friends.
Yes, yes, that’s good. I really like the design, which reminds me of the games I used to play when I was a child. It’s cute.
Thank you very much. The character looks like something that even children would feel familiar.
I see that this Pockemy’s NFT is coming out.
Yes, it is. It is still to be announced in the future, but more details will be revealed.
How and where the sale will be held, and how many will be released, are things like that still in the future?
Yes, that’s right. The number of supplies will be 300, which is quite a small number, so you will have to push a little bit earlier than expected. The first one is Pockemy.
Yes, yes. The first one, Pockemy, is the most powerful.
Thank you very much. It’s free gas and I can mint it with points only.
Then I’m already off the chain. No gas cost, and I don’t have to know web3 completely.
That’s right. As long as you have the points, it’s fine, and if you don’t have gas, it’s like it’s okay.
I see. I think NFT is a field where many people are just starting out in crypto, so I’m glad to see that there is no gas.
That’s right. We were all concerned about the cost of gas, so we decided to make it gas free because we want as many people as possible to participate in this project.
Thank you very much. Once again, SmartPocket itself is a system of points, and those points can later be exchanged for tokens through NFT holdings, etc., right?
That’s right. You can earn tokens at various events, and we also have events where we airdrop points and tokens to the top number of people in the rankings, and we are planning various tokens in addition to SP tokens in the future, but we will be working with various other projects on that as well, so that will be coming up in the future as well. We are planning to collaborate with other projects in the future, so you will see more tokens like that in the future. We are planning to collaborate with other projects in this area, so that we will be able to offer more tokens in the future.
〇The grand vision of NEXT BTC⁉️SP

Yes, yes, I mean, I had originally envisioned that if you accumulated points in SmartPocket, you could redeem them for specific tokens, but it’s not like that. It’s more like you can have those points and get airdrops for tokens from various SmartPocket and partner projects.
Yes, it will be like that. At first it will be SP tokens, but we are talking with various places for the future. For example, we are thinking of holding an event where people can win tokens by answering a quiz. I feel that there are a lot of people who have bitcoin but have never read the white paper. When buying stocks, for example, people would have a clear understanding of what Tesla is selling or what Rakuten is doing before holding stocks, but it is difficult to go that far with tokens. So, after reading the white paper, we will give you a quiz at the end of the session, so that you can see if you have read the white paper correctly. So, after reading the white paper, we will give a quiz at the end of the white paper, so that people who answer the quiz correctly can check whether they have read the white paper or not.
Yes, yes, that is a good idea. From the project side, the whitepaper contains all the important information and should be read by all. I have read the Bitcoin whitepaper before, but it was full of strange mathematical formulas.
It’s a bit difficult, isn’t it?
I guess there are more and more easy ones, especially for games, but I don’t think it’s the same for infrastructure.
The contents are difficult.
In this context, things like quizzes that give you points are good for getting people to know about the project. I think white papers are the ultimate source of information.
We will work on a system to let people know about the project.
I see. Thank you very much. So the SP points from SmartPocket itself are not for on-chain use, but simply points that can be used within SmartPocket?
That’s right. The points are off-chain points.
Okay, okay, so are there any plans to release any tokens from SmartPocket itself?
Yes, we are planning to release a token called SP token from SmartPocket, which is a typical token in the form of social tokens.
On-chain tokens?
Yes, on-chain. Right now we only have off-chain points, but we plan to list them as on-chain tokens.
Yes, yes. So, from there, I don’t know if it will be 2024 or 2025, but a token sale will start, and gradually people will be able to buy them on exchanges and so on.
Yes, I think so. That’s the way I envision it. Then, we would like to have more people become holders than the current number of users, so that we can expand the community.
Okay, so the first step is to create an entry point. How can we get people who have only ever held Japanese yen to come closer to WEB3?
Yes, we are in the pre-registration stage, so we are still in the process of building the initial foundation, but at this point we have expanded to some extent to 150 countries. We are also planning to start a feature that allows users to earn points by inviting each other to the application, so that people in 150 countries can use the invite function. For example, there are still some countries where there are only about 100 users, but cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular, and if those 100 users encourage other people to join them and use SmartPocket as a window for their participation, I think it will spread further and further to people all over the world.
Yes, yes, but that’s great. So there are at least 100 people.
Yes, there are about that many, the largest number being from Japan, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Nigeria, and from there to Germany, the U.S., Iran, and many other countries around the world. It takes me quite a while to read through the 150 or so entries. There are also countries that I have never heard of, so it is a good way to learn about them.
Yes, yes. I wonder what it is about Japan. Of course, there are many projects in Japan because it is the first project in Japan, but there are many areas in Southeast Asia and other regions where access to banks is not so good.
Yes, there are areas where it is difficult to use them.
That’s why WEB3’s adaption is so great.
Yes, it is. And there are many participants who are very enthusiastic about crypto, so I have the impression that there are many people who are studying a lot on their own.
We also run Bitget all over the world, and we inform our employees in other countries of the pictures of the advertisements of the events we hold in Southeast Asia and Africa. There are as many people as a whole school assembly.
That’s right.
Yes, I think the crypto population in Japan has been increasing recently, but still, when I tell my family or friends who have nothing to do with crypto that I’m doing virtual currency, they are like, “What? I think the number of crypto people in Japan has been increasing.
Yes, that’s the first thing that comes up, so I’d like to make it more catchy by using characters and animations.
Right now, we are still perceived as blockchain geeks, aren’t we?
Yeah, like it’s a nerd thing.
Yes, I have that feeling. It’s like the old Internet, only otaku use the Internet, and people who hear about blockchain for the first time may think it’s nerdy. I hope that image will change through manga and anime, as well as by spreading the use of blockchain among the younger generation. TikTok, which was originally just girls dancing, has further developed into a social networking service for the masses, and I hope that we can bring blockchain and WEB3 to that level.
Yes, it is true that TikTok is also now transmitting information on various topics, such as animals, cooking, and even virtual currency.
That’s right. It could be an explanation by a company.
Yes, it can be used for anything now, but if you ask me what it was like 5 years ago, it was just a bunch of young girls dancing.
That’s right. Various people were saying that it was like an application that could only be used to watch them, or that only children could use it. Then it spread to the general public.
Yes, yes, that’s right. Then, I guess the next 10 years or so will be a bit of a critical time for us.
Crypto is getting more and more popular, and ETFs have just been approved, so I think that companies and financial institutions that have not participated in the crypto market up until now will be participating more and more. This is the timing for those who have not been exposed to crypto to join at once, and we want to make sure we don’t miss out on that as much as possible.
That’s right. But I think we are already off to a good start.
You mentioned earlier that the number of users for the first project in Japan is about 100 in a few countries, but I think there are many projects that started marketing in Japan and stumbled without 100 users in Japan. I think it’s quite pleasing to see that you have already made such progress from the pre-registration stage.
Yes, thank you very much.
☆Question Corner
Do you have any plans to exchange the accumulated points for NFT physical goods of the collaboration project?

I am sure that the way we do events, etc. will change for each project, but we are thinking of a few things, such as a points-only NFT collection, or another points-only product redemption, etc.
On the other hand, we are also thinking of holding Giveaways that people can participate in using their points. In a regular Giveaway, the number of participants would be too large and the winning rate would be quite low, but by making it a point-based event, only those who have spent their points can participate in the drawing and the winning rate can be increased. We will also be doing events from time to time where you can exchange your points for various physical NFTs or limited edition NFTs.
I think it would be convenient to use the system with Apple Watch or other devices.

It would be very interesting to be able to check points and events on Apple watch. For example, I think it would be interesting to display points on the standby screen like a widget, or perhaps PayPay could display the balance, but the widget is currently being adjusted. If it is technically feasible, we will adopt the idea and implement it. Thank you very much for your valuable input.
You mentioned that SP points will be used to train pets. Will the Smapoke app also become a training game?

A: We are preparing a special NFT in the form of a digital pet.
We will be preparing a special NFT in the form of a digital pet, which will be like a point store, where players will be able to acquire digital pet NFT for points and earn tokens by raising their characters. We plan to make a detailed announcement when we have completed the implementation of the features.
The content will be something like Tap to Earn, where you tap the character and pet it while watching its mood, a bit like a crypto version of the Tamagotchi.
You can also get tokens, and we want to take it in a direction where kids can use them to get candy.
Will the SP tokens be listed by Bitget?

SP points and SP tokens will be the two main pillars of this project. We are also collaborating with many other projects, so for example, we are planning to collaborate with various local governments to produce NFTs, and to develop NFTs that can be used when overseas visitors come to Japan for inbound travel, etc. We are also planning to connect points and tokens to such projects. We are also planning to produce NFTs that can be used for inbound travel by overseas visitors, and to connect points and tokens to such places as well.
As more and more projects are to be collaborated with us, we will be receiving ideas from the community for new functions and mechanisms that I have not yet explained, and we will be adopting them as we go along. I am sure that such functions will continue to appear in the future.
Which countries do you currently have the most users?

In order from top to bottom: Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Germany, USA, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, France, UK, Netherlands Home Countries, Philippines, Ukraine, China, Singapore, Russia, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, Finland, Taiwan, Canada, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brazil, Egypt, Poland, Australia, Dubai, Sweden, Italy, Morocco, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Romania, Austria, Nepal, Spain, Belarus, Hungary, Algeria, Latvia, etc, These are the top of the list, and more seem to follow.
III. Ending
It is almost 8:00 p.m. in no time, so please give us a message from Yuda-san to the listeners.
Yes, I do. Thank you so much for joining us today at this busy time of the evening.
We are going to start the SmartPocket worldwide point system, which is currently available in 150 countries, but in the future, we would like to expand it to all over the world. If you accumulate points, you will be able to earn tokens at future events and get exclusive NFTs. We would like you to start by accumulating points as various official events are about to begin.
Also, once the app is officially released, the invite function will be implemented, and people around you who have not participated in crypto before will be able to easily participate at once at this time, so please don’t miss out on the great crypto market like this one. I hope that you will join us so that you don’t miss out on the great crypto market. However, I think that there are some people who will feel a little discouraged if we suddenly ask them to buy a single bitcoin, or will stop when they are about to do so, so we recommend that they start with poikatsu and start accumulating points by thinking, “Oh, there are poikatsu for virtual currency, too. We hope that people who do not have NFTs will have the experience of acquiring NFTs gas-free.
We would like to start with NFTs, and from there, if people are interested, we would like to connect them to explore the world of blockchain together. SmartPocket will provide the mechanism and system for this, and we hope that you will take advantage of it and work together with us to promote the spread of the blockchain in the community.
We are also planning to collaborate with various projects in the future, so if you would like to join us, we would be happy to collaborate with you on various projects and events using points to promote crypto. I look forward to working with you.
We will be announcing various tokens in the future, so please set up notifications on SmartPocket and Bitget’s X account so that you can look forward to future announcements. Thank you very much.
Yes, thank you very much. So, let’s start with the poi activity.
If you are interested in crypto, please follow Yuda’s account and start SmartPocket. If you find cryptocurrencies interesting from there, please register with Bitget as well. Currently, if you sign up through Bitget Japan’s official account, you can get a 30% discount on commissions and various other promotions, so please be sure to check it out.
Please check it out. Thank you very much to all the listeners and Mr. Yuda for coming today.
Thank you very much for your time. Thank you very much.
Yes, excuse me.
IV. Summary
<Current Policies>
SmartPocket App and Functions
- Summary: An application that allows users to earn “universal points” SP points. It is positioned as a points version of Bitcoin.
- Usability: Points earned can be used to acquire digital items and tokens.
User participation and education
- Ease of access: Login with a meta-mask or Google account. Users can easily start earning points even if they have no knowledge of blockchain.
- Education: Blockchain education is promoted through cartoons and animations. Provides content that can be enjoyed by both children and adults.
Community and Support
- International community: Support is available in approximately 150 countries and 17 languages.
- Customer support: Consistent support functions to respond to user inquiries.
<Future Initiatives>
Token Expansion and Economy
- Token issuance: Plans to issue SP tokens.
- Token economy: Promote economic activities using points and tokens. For example, users can earn tokens by staking NFTs, and points can be awarded when buying and selling NFTs.
Content and Collaboration
- NFT Collections: Currently, we are collaborating with over 700 Japanese NFT collections, and the number is expected to increase in the future.
- Collaboration with creators: We support the spread of artwork around the world through collaboration with individual creators.
New features and community enhancements
- Events and functions: Quiz events will be held, and an invitation function will be introduced to allow users to earn points from each other.
- Digital pet NFTs: Introduce a system where users can earn digital pet NFTs with points and increase their tokens by raising them.
Cooperation with local communities
- Cooperation with local governments: Cooperate with various local governments to create region-specific NFTs. Development of NFTs for tourists is also in the planning stage.
⭕️ Points of Interest
What do you think?
A lot of exciting and innovative ideas!
Among them, the Solution Team is particularly interested in these six points!
(1) Monetization mechanism
SP tokens will be distributed by Pockemy (NFT) staking.
The number of SP tokens distributed is ranked according to the number of tokens held and the level of contribution to Discord, etc. ⁉️
The tokens will be listed as on-chain tokens.
When buying and selling NFTs, both sellers and buyers will be given trading points to increase liquidity.
→Æ The mechanism to monetize with NO risk is too hot! I recall the memory of starting NFT with a lot of concern but not understanding, and with a lot of trepidation. It’s really wonderful to be able to safely participate and enjoy the world of crypto from a low threshold!

∙ While deepening understanding of whitelists and literacy, people can answer related quizzes to get SP points and SP tokens.
→It will be an important educational measure not just to get tokens, but also to safely enjoy the world of virtual currency and WEB3. I think this will be a very interesting project that Yuda envisions as a step to develop WEB3 personnel even from zero base, where they can enjoy and learn and get some pocket money.

3) “Invitation function” will be implemented.
A new invitation function will be implemented in the application. Events are scheduled to be held where both the inviter and the recipient can earn SP points, which will greatly contribute to further user expansion.
→Because there is no risk, we can safely recommend this service to our friends, partners, and family members!

(4) “Point Shop” is scheduled to be implemented
→One of the main attractions of the future will be the “Digital Pet NFT”! By owning an NFT, you can enjoy raising it like a “Tamagotchi” and get tokens and other items in the process! The NFT is a “Digital Pet NFT”! The age range of “Tamagotchi” users is wide, and this NFT version will be a fresh and nostalgic content that anyone can enjoy!

5) Giveaway events using points
The giveaway events such as AL will be held only for those who use the points they have earned.
→In addition to the current 700+ famous Japanese NFT collections, new collaborations from JAPAN DAO and Smart Pocket’s network are expected in the future, as well as the distribution of rare ALs from very popular projects. In such cases, it is expected that the use of points will give you a better chance of winning at Giveaway events. We can increase the probability of winning, instead of leaving it up to luck!

NFT will be produced in cooperation with various local governments in Japan.
→It is expected that the NFTs will have utilities related to “local” and “sightseeing” that can be used by overseas visitors coming to Japan on inbound trips and people enjoying domestic trips when they travel to the area. The possession of these NFTs will also lead to the acquisition of points and tokens. Major domestic companies continue to participate in this project, and the momentum for NFTs, which can be considered a national policy, is expected to increase in the future!

There is too much to talk about in this issue.
At any rate, it looks like we will be able to keep an even closer eye on the future of “Smart Pocket” and “JAPAN DAO”!
Let’s continue to enjoy this exciting new era that we are all ushering in!
With the SP family together, we can surely accomplish anything👍✨!
The watchword is SP🌟!
We will continue to bring new information to our users as soon as possible in Smapoke Magazine.
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